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JK Cement BlockMaxX – Concrete Block Mortar – MM11

Product Description:

JK CEMENT BLOCKMAXX MM11 is a premium and factory controlled dry-mix cement mortar designed for laying masonry Concrete Blocks and Bricks for internal and external applications.


  • High Quality Portland Cement, processed dry mineral aggregates and chemical additives.

Key Features:

  • Superior Block Building with Premium Performance
  • Excellent Workability
  • Easy to use, just needs to add water.

Technical Characteristics:

Properties Results
Binder High Performance Portland Cement
Aggregate size 0 – 3 mm
Appearance Grey Granular Powder
Mixing Ratio 6.5 – 7 Liters of water per 50 Kg Bag
Water Requirement: 13 – 14%
Application Temperature: 10ºC – 35ºC
Working Time: Approximately 30 Minutes at Standard Temperature Conditions
Application Thickness: < 12 mm
Packing size 50 Kg bag
Density (Kg/Liter) : Dry 1.70 ± 0.20; Wet 1.80 ± 0.20
Compressive Strength at 28 Days: 8.0 MPa*
Flexural Strength at 28 Days: > 1.5 MPa
Yield: 32 – 33 Liters Mortar per 50 Kg Bag
Coverage: Depends on Block size, its shape, Structure, application thickness, transfer efficiency, etc.
  • The values in this technical characteristics are based on standard and controlled conditions at laboratory.

Applicable International Standards:

BS EN 998-2:2016 | BS EN 5262

Application Guidelines:

Surface Preparation:

Before applying BlockMaxX MM11 substrate and background surfaces must be clean and free from dust, organic debris, oily or greasy substances and muds. During hot weather conditions, the surface to be applied should be brushed with plenty of water prior to the application. Excess water is to be fully drained prior to application of BlockMaxX MM11.


BlockMaxX MM11 is to be mixed with recommended quantity of potable water in non-corrosive container. Proper mixing is essential to achieve specified application and values. For proper mixing electrical agitator can be used. Once mixed, keep it for about 5 minutes and mix it again prior to using.


Apply BlockMaxX MM11 on readily cured, cleaned and free of dust surface using trowel in such a manner that blocks properly adhered and placed on mortar. Using same technique and level second block on substrate. Remove excessive material using wet sponge and make sure that no extra material adhered to surface.


  • Keep the newly applied product from direct exposure of Sunlight. It is to be cured for a minimum of 72 Hours by spraying water, 3 – 4 times a day.
  • Ensure to clean all the Tools with water immediately after use. Also, mechanically remove all the hardened materials.
  • The 2 cm separation between the top of the block wall and the bottom of slab or beam should be filled with suitable compressible material
  • Make sure that the first layer of blocks is fixed proper with proper alignment.
  • Do not apply BlockMaxX MM11 during raining, high winds and sand storms
  • During summer season, working area should be covered to prevent the direct sun effects.
  • Do not apply on surface that has temperature less than +5ºC.


  • BlockMaxX MM11 is to be covered well and stored away from heat, Sun light and moisture. Also, it should be kept preferably on pallets.
  • Shelf Life: 12 Months from date of manufacture if covered and stored well as said above.Shelf Life: 12 Months from date of manufacture if covered and stored well as indicated above.
  • Care should be taken that no hard & lumpy materials are used.

Health & Safety:

  • It contains Portland cement which becomes strongly alkaline upon mixing with water and this may cause skin irritation when exposed for
    very long time.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and inhalation of dust. In case of skin/eyes contact, wash with plenty of clean water and seek medical attention immediately.
  • It is highly recommended to use all relevant Personal Protective Equipment while handling it and work in well ventilated conditions while applying it.
Concrete Block Mortar, JK White Cement
