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JK Cement Floor Screed – FS22

Product Description:

JK Cement Floor MaxX FS22 is a dry pre mixed, ready to use and factory controlled product for levelling and smoothening un-even floors prior to laying decorative carpets, floor tiles, etc. It is shrinkage controlled fast dry semi dry floor screed. It is composed of Ordinary Portland cement, selected aggregates, fibers and special chemical additives for enhancing the performance. It can be used for new or existing concrete slabs and flooring and insulation floors.

Scope of use:

  • Topping and levelling Layer of Concrete slabs and Cementitious Floors.
  • Can be applied in dry and wet areas both for exteriors and interiors.
  • Depending on thickness, site condition and climate all kind of floor covering can be installed within 7 days.
  • Can be applied as bonded, un bonded and floating screed.
  • Suitable for acoustic and insulation application systems.


  • Factory controlled blended mix to ensure consistency in quality.
  • Improved workability.
  • Fiber Reinforced.
  • Fast drying and time saving.
  • Excellent Compaction.
  • Foot walkable within 24 hours.
  • Excellent abrasion resistance to rolling wheel and heavy machinery movements.
  • Suitable for Washrooms, kitchens, shower rooms, terraces, factories floors, hotels, resorts, schools, playgrounds and multistory buildings.

Technical Characteristics:

Properties Results
Binder Ordinary Portland Cement
Aggregate size < 5 mm
Appearance Granular powder
Recommended layer Thickness Up to 100 mm thickness
bonded 15–100 mm & un-bonded 50-100 mm | floating 65-100 mm
Water Mixing Ratio 4.5 – 5.0 Liter potable water per 50 Kg bags.
Working life Approx. 60 minutes
Mixing time 3 – 5 minutes
Dry Density 1.90 ± 0.1 Kg/L
Mix Density 2.1 ± 0.2 Kg/L
Packing size 50 Kg bag
Yield/50 Kg Bag 24 – 30 Liters
Coverage 2.50 – 3.50 m² /50 kg bag/10 mm thickness*
Compressive strength > 25 N/mm² at 28 days
Flexural strength > 5 N/mm² at 28 days
Resistance to Alkali Excellent
  • *The actual coverage however depends on many factors like nature of substrate, application, transfer efficiency, etc.
    The values in this technical characteristics are based on standard and controlled conditions at laboratory.

Applicable International Standards:

EN 13813:2002 | BS 8204:2010 | EN 13892-2:2002 and
DIN 18560

Application Guidelines:

Surface Preparation:

The concrete substrate must be one months old, levelled and stable. The substrate must be thoroughly dried, cleaned, devoid of dust, loose particles, organic and inorganic debris, oil, grease and other contaminations that might else affect the bonding

For bonded screed, within a period of 60 minutes before laying the screed layer, the substrate should be brushed with a thin layer of creamy cementitious grout or slurry to obtain bonding treatment for subsequent layer of the screed.

For un-bonded screed and floating screed, fill all the cracks and cut out hollows and loose portions on substrate and make it smooth before laying membrane/polythene sheet prior to spread screed. To separate walls, beam and other concrete structures from screed use foam strips all around corners and edges and lay polythene sheet.


Mix a 50 Kg bag of JK Cement Floor MaxX FS22 with 4.5 – 5.0 Liters clean water using an appropriate concrete mixer or a mixing machine. This mixing is to be done in a clean plastic/non corrosive metal bucket. Mix it for 3 – 5 minutes until it is free from lumps and acquire homogenous mixture. Do not mix material manually by hand. Ensure that the temperature of the mixed material does not increase more than 32º C. If needed, use cool water for mixing. After allowing it to rest for 2 minutes, mix it again.


Limit manageable working area about 25 m² to achieve uniform levelling and thickness during workable time. Pour the mixed material from mixer or screed pumping machine on to prepared surface of substrate. Spread material equally and level the material up to the maximum thickness of 100 mm using a long steel trowel/straight edge or suitable tools to achieve maximum uniform level and maximum spread. Properly compact material manually by tamping with long flattened float to get rid voids in it. After achieving specified level of surface trowel it with steel trowel to meet uniform and smooth surface. Ideal application temperature is + 5°C to + 35°C. If the application temperature is more than 35°C, ensure to use cool water for mixing.

In case of unbound and floating application, minimum and gradual thickness of screed is to be applied. Follow over all same pattern of application. Protect the material from wind and direct Sunlight during and post installation to prevent moisture loss from applied material.


Cure JK Cement Floor MaxX FS22 for 7 days 2 -3 times daily using clean water. Use polythene sheet to cover the freshly applied screed from sun light and dust.


  • While applying bigger areas, it should be applied in stages of smaller areas in the order of less than 25 m².
  • For corridors, control joints on each 15 linear meters and in every connection between rooms and corridors is to be fixed.
  • Application during heavy wind is to be prevented as it would induce faster drying and might result in cracks formation.
  • Don’t subject it to vehicular traffic unless ensuring that it is fully cured.
  • Ground floor slabs on sloping gradient must incorporate a damp proof membrane in the subfloor.
  • It should not be applied over asphalt, weaker friable concrete, PVC tiles or sheets.
  • Don’t use hard materials and don’t remix with water once the material is set.


  • JK Cement Floor Screed FS11 bags are to be covered well and stored away from humidity, heat, Sun light and extreme temperatures. Also, it should be kept preferably on pallets.JK Cement Floor MaxX FS22 bags are to be covered well and stored away from humidity, heat, Sun light and extreme temperature Also, it should be kept preferably on pallets.
  • Shelf Life: 12 Months from date of manufacture if covered and stored well as said above.

Health & Safety:

  • JK Cement Floor MaxX FS22 contains Portland cement which becomes strongly alkaline upon mixing with water and this may cause skin irritation when exposed for very long time.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and inhalation of dust. In case of skin/eyes contact, wash with plenty of clean water and seek medical attention immediately.
  • It is highly recommended to use all relevant Personal Protective Equipment while handling it and work in well ventilated conditions while applying it.
Screed Flooring Manufacturer in Dubai, JK White Cement
