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JK PlastMaxX – Rush Coat Premium RS99

Product Info

JK CEMENT PLASTMAXX RS99 is a premium multi-purpose dry-mix bonding coat suited for concretes, concrete blocks, etc. It is specially designed as a bonding coat for dense concretes containing micro silica, GGBS and fly ash, prior to plastering. It can be applied using a Tyrolean box/spray hopper/powder pattern spray gun. It is suitable for interiors and exteriors. .


High Quality Portland Cement, Hydrated Lime, carefully selected processed natural mineral aggregates, Excellent binding Powder Polymer and very special chemical additives for performance enhancements.


  • Superior Adhesion to dense concretes
  • Quality Consistency
  • Excellent Workability
  • Leads to a bright and excellent absorbing substrate

Technical Characteristics

  • Binder: High Performance Portland Cement
  • Aggregate Size: 0 – 3 mm
  • Appearance: Grey Granular Powder
  • Mixing Ratio: 10 Liters water per 50 Kg bags
  • Water Requirement: 20%
  • Coverage: 430 Square Meters/Metric Ton @ 2 mm thickness (actual coverage depends on application temperature, nature of substrates, applied thickness, transfer efficiency, etc.)
  • Density (Kg/Lt): 1.85 ± 0.20 (Wet); 1.70 ± 0.20 (Dry)
  • Compressive Strength: Minimum 15 N/mm² (at 28 days)
  • Flexural Strength: Minimum 2.5 N/mm² (at 28 days)
  • Curing: 48 Hours by clean water


BS EN 998-1: 2016|BS EN: 13914-1: 2016 | BS EN: 13914-2: 2016 | BS 5262|BS 5492 | ASTM C348 | ASTM C349 | ASTM C926 | ASTM C897

rush coat cement
